A Thank you poem for J.T. FOXX
As I transition to my new business life
I start with a poem that sums up my strife.
With a leap of faith I flew south to meet JT,
A “Tree Reader” was what I wanted to be;
It was my passion and identity,
Any change was scary for me;
He laid out a plan and new USP,
To sell the results and not just the tree.
He described a future that was prosperous and bright,
Then developed a business plan that fit me just right;
My fear and concern rose to a new height,
But he laid out the steps to ease my fright.
Reminding me to stay focused and persevere,
And not to worry when the path was unclear;
Working together I could reach financial success,
With my strengths, personality, and Damien’s sales finesse.
The results of the program passed the test,
I’m building a legacy, being taught by the best.
With a heartfelt thank you,

Let me explain. I had been coached by others in the past and was in the process of reinventing myself after I retired from a successful career as a dentist. My new business held my passion, my identity, and my dreams, but the reality was that it was still not profitable. It was clear that I needed help to maintain my Black Amex lifestyle, grow professionally, personally, and most of all contribute to society. I was first impressed with JT after I attended the Mega Speaker event in New York City. I registered for the Top 1% and traveled to his home and prepared to tell my story, present my business ideas, and was ready for a little coaching and advice. Before this event, I had worked diligently to organize my thoughts and present my business in a clear concise manner. Not only did he not buy into or believe the path I was invested in, but he unraveled my business plan and, to a degree, my power.
So I left and began to wonder if I should give up. If I failed, I would have to tap further into my retirement savings. I was full of excuses, blame, old beliefs, and acceptable reasons to stay stuck and paralyzed by the fear of failure. I questioned myself.
- Should I spend more money to figure this out?
- Am I too old to embark on this journey?
- Why aren’t I satisfied to simply retire?
- What do I want and how can I change my mindset?
When I returned home, I started the “30 day Wealth Workout.” I was initially afraid to turn it on, but I took a deep breath and did not allow all the mind clutter to derail me. I felt an immediate shift in my attitude. My confidence was building with each page I read. The first thing I learned was that my old belief that my identity was fixed and I couldn’t be a successful business women on my own was not true. I realized that I was forfeiting my control and power for the future unless I started thinking in a new direction. I knew that this program provided the steps I needed to change my mindset and to move forward.
Feeling rested, I reflected on how supportive and kind JT was when I was unraveling. The assessment he made was correct, I previously designed my business based on selling the process. Tree Reading was a wonderful tool to gain insight, develop rapport, and identify personality characteristics. The benefits of tree reading were real. However, I had other valuable tools to offer. He helped me rebuild my self-esteem and made me feel that I was the only person who mattered. During our session he was focused directly on my business. I needed to restructure, refocus, and invest in my business. It has always been easier to invest in my kids, my husband, and my friends and family, but now it’s my turn to invest in me.
JT gave me so many tools, a workable plan, and great coaching. He is a branding genius on so many levels. It is clear that he can cut through the excess and hone in on the key points that provide results. He is tough and yet careful not to lose focus when you get emotional. JT reminds you to stay the course and offers programs and coaching to keep you going. I am in the process of doing that step by step. It is not easy, simple, or comfortable but nothing worthwhile is. Everyday offers an opportunity to start implementing a new idea and to begin a new kind of adventure.I have faith in his programs and most of all his commitment to personally guide each one of his students to financial freedom. He definitely earns the title “#1 Wealth Coach” with every student around the world.
I have faith in his programs and most of all his commitment to personally guide each one of his students to financial freedom. He definitely earns the title “#1 Wealth Coach” with every student around the world.